Sedona Weyr

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The current year at Sedona is 2768.
View a timeline for the Weyr here.

Welcome to Sedona Weyr, a Dragon Cyber-pet Adoption Center based on the Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffery.
It's also a sort of side-project of mine; my (eventual) goal is to have a full roster of approximately 540 dragons, including 17 wings of 30 dragons each, plus the Queen's Wing and various side-jobs such as searchriders, weyrharpers, weyrhealers and dragonhealers, etc. Not for any reason in particular, just to see if I can do it, really (and to collect pretty dragons, of course!). Many of the beginning dragons have been imported from my other site, Darkling Dawn Dragonry, which is not so strictly Pernese. I cannot guarantee that there will always be clutches available or flights open, as it largely depends on peoples' interest in it, but I'll see what I can do. A short history of the Weyr is below:

A miscalculation by Aivas means that 200 turns after Thread was thought to be gone forever, the 10th Pass starts with the dragons disorganized and vastly unprepared to fight Thread. New Weyrs are popping up as everyone scrambles to prevent Thread from doing too much damage to the planet. As one Weyr finds that they're stretched too thin defending too large a territory, they decide it's time to found a new Weyr. Only problem is, they have no queens to spare, and precious few fighters, for that matter. They can get the Weyr started, but the dragons will have to come from somewhere else.
A young bronzerider named S'rey is one of the riders selected to build this new Weyr, and while searching for riders to help, he stumbles onto Darkling Dawn. They've had a few problems of their own with intelligent and deadly predators called deingons poaching their civilians, but they have a thriving dragon population, many of whom are descended from Pern, along with their riders. Some of them decide they would rather live on their home planet and agree to go back with S'rey, including no less than three queens!
There is one other problem, however. It takes a lot of resources to build a Weyr, and the only one who can afford to supply them is the Lord Holder of Sedona Hold, Tuan, and he doesn't like new things such as bizarre colors or non-human entities; the new Weyr cannot afford to get on his bad side, which means that non-human riders, unbonded dragons, and most dragons of rare color or non-Pernese ancestry will have to stay behind--or be willing to lie their pants off about it. What Lord Tuan doesn't know won't hurt him!
S'rey's new allies give the new Weyr--also called Sedona Weyr--a fighting chance, but there's still far too many empty weyrs that need to be filled...

Friday, March 29, 2013: Aryth's clutch has hatched! The hatching story is here, and the pickup page can be found here . Hadeth will be on the sands soon; that will leave two flights still open, one of which is a Weyrleadership flight.

The World of Pern, based on the 'Dragonriders of Pern' books, belongs to Anne McCaffery, I make no claim to own it. This is a dragon adoption game which I intend to make absolutely no money from. Though the world is borrowed, the images are mine, and the characters are the products of my, (or their creator's) imagination.
The images used for the dragons were created by me; they were originally used at another Weyr game, Whiterock Weyr. It unfortunately closed down due to a lack of interest, but I decided to revive them for Sedona Weyr. Older dragons from other Weyrs or Dragonries should have their origins properly linked on their pages, unless the website is no longer online; if such information is missing, please email me so I can fix it. The background set used is from Morion Designs, which has apparently closed, sadly, though the logo still links to the creator's site.
The webmistress (that is, me), Kitsuneko, can be reached at I am also active on the Nexus forum, which has a topic for Sedona Weyr on it as well.