Mating Flights

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Female's Name: Billith
Rider: Rinna
Color: Green
Size: Small
Allowed chasers: Browns, blues, whites, rares of comparable size
Status: Open
Night Blue Etrayth
White Amersath
Brown Burrodoth
Brown Braijeth
Blue Oireth
Female's Name: Yuneth
Rider: Noa
Color: Gold
Size: Large
Allowed chasers: Bronzes, browns, rares of comparable size (Weyrleadership flight!)
Status: Open
Bronze Vorvesoth
Bronze Risoth
Bronze Alamnath
Female's Name: Open
Rider: Open
Color: Any
Size: N/A
Allowed chasers: N/A
Status: Open

Rules for Flights:
1. Obviously, your dragon must be online. It must be from Sedona Weyr or a similiar Adoption Weyr. If it has an image and is not a click-and-take, it's probably fine.
2. If the dragon has multiple stages, it must be an adult before it can rise or chase.
3. The owner of the female will decide who wins the flight. No flight stories, since I generally think they're more trouble than they're worth. If there's a particular dragon of mine that you would like to see in the flight, let me know and I'll sign them up. :) Some of the resident riders will likely show up for the flight anyway, especially if there's trouble filling up the chasers list.
4. If there are no open flights, don't send males, especially if it's a closed flight. If there are already three dragons rising, don't send any females.
5. Males can only chase one dragoness at a time. If they win the flight, they must wait until the clutch hatches before chasing again. Otherwise, they can try again immediately.
6. Dragons must be Pernese, or mostly so. They must be able to pass as a Pernese dragon, which means no horns, etc. Non-canon colors are allowed if they're relatively plain, though the final decision is up to me. Most likely to be accepted are things like whites or blacks, two-tones and speckled, etc. Greens can only rise if they have not chewed firestone, and their clutches will be small with mainly greens and blues hatching. The Weyrleaders are more than happy to host a clutch from a visiting female, especially if it's a gold.
7. Similarly, their riders must be human, or able to pass as human. If they come from offworld, they are requested to keep their origins to themselves.
8. If you want to send in a pair of dragons in a fixed flight, tell me so and I'll make it a closed flight, though realistically, this should be a rare event.



Use the form below to send your candidate(s) to me at
Any form that doesn't follow the rules above will be immediately deleted after I reply to explain why.
Your name or online ID:
Your email address:
Female's name:
Female's Color/Size:
Rider's name:
Dragon's URL:
Chasers Allowed (Such as restricting it to certain colors or sizes:
Your name or online ID:
Your email address:
Male's name:
Male's Color/Size:
Rider's name:
Dragon's URL:
Chasing which dragon?: